A Hellenic Seaways tem uma presença nos mares gregos desde 1999, é a maior empresa grega com 34 navios, com os quais escala 35 portos, em 2005 teve inicio um plano de investimento com o objectivo de modernizar a sua frota, que é composta por vários tipos de navios desde, ferrys convencionais como o nosso conhecido "Express Santorini", HSC, como na foto o "Hightspeed 4", e catamarans como o "Flyingcat 1" , além de navios ro-ro, e dos Flying Dolphins.
Ficamos agora á espera de saber se voltaremos a ver as cores da Hellenic Seaways nos mares dos Açores em 2010. Depois do post sobre a Aegean Speed Lines e agora a Hellenic Seaways, espero muito brevemente colocar um post sobre o armador espanhol, Armas.
(©) Copyright fotos:1ª MM Bettencourt, Graciosa; 2ª,3ª,4ª,5ª Sérgio Ferreira, Funchal.
2 comentários:
I would like to make some comments for Ro/Pax Express Santorini.
Built in Nantes France in 1974 as a Passenger and train carrier, named Chartress. Sold to Greece in 1993 and rebuilted in Ro/Pax ship.
Someone can still see the train rails in the garage, wich are covered. Although she is almost 35 years old, she is in a really good condition, and thats because when she was builted, was strengthened a lot for the trains carrying.But i must notice also that the ship had a very good maintanance also, since she became Hellenic Seaways property.
Deck No6 was extended to aft and became wider to ship's sides. Deck No 7 was extended too and 20 passenger cabins added also. Express Santorini had a very succesfull carrier in Greece till 2007, when the ship replaced by the new builtings of Hellenic Seaways.Since then, and for three summer seasons the ship is operating in Azores chartered by Atlanticoline. According people's comments, Express Santorini had a very succesful operation these three seasons too. During winter time the ship is operating in Greece, replacing Hellenic Seaways ships for their annual surveys. As far as i know, Express Santorini, was in repairs from 21st of September until these days.
She will start operating the 1st of November to the Greek islands.
The ship had a very good maintanance to the main Engines and electric generators, was to the dry dock for 4 days for antifouling protection, passed all the inspections from the Greek authorities and RINA's inspectors, and she is ready to sail. According my informations after main Engines' repairs the ship will go back to her original speed,wich was 20,5 Knots.
Of course, for economy reasons i don't think that they will go faster than 18,5 Knots, while there is no need for more speed to the specific voyages, that the ship is going to do in Greece.They did also some small changes to the accomadation like changing the carpets to the 7th deck and also staircases from deck 6 to 7 and from 7 to the bridge.
Greek islanders that they know Express Santorini since the time she was operating in Greek islands, still remember the ship with nostalgy, and they will be happy this winter to have her back again to connect their ports.
As you may understand i really like a lot this ship, that represents an older generation of ships, that builted in the 70's and they are still much better than a lot of new buildings that they have more speed and confort, but they don't offer to the passengers the magic of a sea trip with the open decks and free outer spaces to walk around and enjoy the sun and the wind.
Thank you very mucht, for your importante comments, in Azores we have a good opinion about that ship, that lateral ramp is very important for Azores because we don´t have ro ro ramps.If you want some pictures of Express Santorini in Graciosa, you can send a mail for me manuelmariabett@gmail.com and I send to you some pictures.
Kindest regards
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